An interview with a pop star.

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Dialogue: An interview with a pop star.

Speaker1: A journalist

Speaker2: John, a pop star

  • S1Hello, John. Nice to meet you. You’re my pop idol. I’m mad about your music and songs.

  • S2Great. I’m glad you’re my fan.

  • S1May I ask you any questions? When did you start your career as a pop singer?

  • S2When I was only 6 I tried to write words for my songs. My father helped me to make music for the songs. They were really great!

  • S1It’s fantastic! And what about your first experience as a pop singer? I remember some of your early songs. They were really great!

  • S2Thanks a lot. When a schoolboy I took part in many school concerts and performances. I also won a city music contest that time.

  • S1Splendid! Why did you choose this kind of Art? To my mind it’s a hard work to create something and practice it.

  • S2Of course it’s not easy but so far I remember my life I’ve always been interested in it. My father is an example to follow for me as a musician.

  • S1You’re lucky, John. What are you plans for the future? Will you give any concerts or perform discs?

  • S2Of course, I will. In a month I’m going to make a world tour. I’ll visit a lot of countries with my music and songs.

  • S1That’s really great. Wish you well. Good bye.

  • S2Buy. Thank you.

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